The directors of the club having looked carefully at the guidance from Bowls England decided the following. There is no need to book outdoor rinks for social roll ups as we can now use all six from Monday 17th. Make sure that you maintain social distancing and sanitise the equipment when you have finished. Dave Tomas has offered to produce and put up in the outdoor noticeboard a booking sheet so when you turn up for a roll up please make sure that you have looked at the booked rinks before you go onto a rink and rotate the rinks as on the green container door. The indoor still has to be booked, but we can us all three rinks with no more than six to a rink, with Mary and Barry as there are still restrictions until the 21st June when, providing the Indian variant does not change things, we will be back to some form or normality. We can now open the bar and serve you in the lounge but when moving about inside you must wear a face covering which can be removed when seated or playing on the indoor green. Social distancing must be maintained indoors with the changing rooms closed and only the disabled toilet to be used. We are getting there slowly and safely so enjoy your bowling.
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